The title of the file is Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker Package for FSX. The category to place the aircraft in is the FSX Millitary category. The file discription is below:

This is a Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker package for FSX. Have you ever wanted to fly the SU-27, but couldn’t find one for FSX? Now you CAN find a Su-27.This SU-27 model can perform the "cobra", a manueuver that allows the pilot to take a snap missile shot at an enemy fighter above or behind him. Pressing the "I" key activates the weapons system. This package includes a Su-27 with a 2D panel. Sorry, no VC. No Russian jet collection is complete without a Su-27. Please note: This file is for FSX ONLY. It will not work in FS2004. Su-27 Flanker uploaded by Braden Peters. Visit my web site at for more downloads and the product support forum.
This is the Su-27B/UB/Su-30MKK Package,For FS9/FS9.1
All models created vai Gmax1.2 by Bill Wolfgen (Bear Studios)